In our endless search for unique and unquantifyable talents, we once again stumble upon another rare gem widely known as Barich. He is gospel sensational singer with sweet rhythm embedded in him. Barichhas obviously been behind the scenes for quite a while now, probably perfecting his skills with a vision and mission to emerge at the top by spreading the word of God. And from all indications, he is just an inch close to taking a permanent spot in the limelight with the release of this new melodious single titled “Only You Jesus” which are already enjoying massive airplay on radio stations around. Sincerely speaking, we indeed are, impressed with the level of hard work being put-in by Barich on this single. We look forward to hearing more inspiring and touching tunes from his kitchen. Barich is currently Brainwave Music front-line artist
Please listen, share, download and be blessed.
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